WINTER 2023 CHESS ACCELERATOR: Beginning January 2023

Chess Season is upon us! We are beginning our Exclusive Winter Chess Training program this January 2023. There are many events to look forward to, such as State, City and National competitions. Our students have performed at the highest level of scholastic chess and earned accolades for their performance. This will be a program unlike any other Chess Program out there and will guarantee if your child works hard and attends our programming regularly, they will level up their chess skills and make that leap in chess. With our dedicated support under the tutelage of National Master Abby Marshall, we will help your child reach the next level of their chess development and break through the dreaded chess plateau. This past Summer, our programming filled up and we had a waiting list! The results speak for themselves and our students made significant gains in their chess ability.

We are taking on 10 motivated students who are willing to dedicate themselves to chess improvement. Sign up now and don’t miss out on this opportunity

Winter 2023 Online Clinic Schedule: All sessions in EST (New York Time)

Mondays: 6:00 - 7:00 PM EST

Chess Strategy

We are thrilled to offer a new, exciting clinic that examines chess strategy that has been used in top level chess. We will examine the heroes of modern chess and look at which strategies work best and apply them to our own games. National Master Abby Marshall will be running the Chess Strategy Clinic. She has dedicated her time to keeping up to date with modern chess and has active engagement with the current tournaments such as the Grand Chess Tour, The World Championship Candidates and most recently, the Crypto Cup and the Sinquefield cup.

Sign up here:  

Wednesdays: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
Intermediate Chess:

Does your child know the basics but not quite ready for the tournament chess class? The intermediate chess class is perfect for building on a foundation of chess and creating a repertoire to get your child playing successfully in tournaments. We will examine must know checkmate patterns, crushing tactics, famous games and more. The goal of the class is to be able to compete in tournaments upon conclusion of the course.

Sign up here:  

Thursdays: 5:45 - 7:00 PM EST (75 mins)
Tournament Chess: Future Masters
This class is exclusively for chess players rated up to 1500 USCF. Students will be grouped by rating. We’ll cover more advanced openings and endgame strategies and delve into complicated tactics and strategies. Students will be introduced to the concept of candidate moves and the importance of keeping several move options in mind. Students will do an extensive study on Magnus Carlsen, Alireza, MVL, Gukesh and other up and coming Chess Super Stars. All material is new and includes lessons carefully created from recent chess games. No canned material here! There will be a lesson followed by formal play in our private chess arena. Games will be reviewed by coaches and supplemental materials will be given following each class.

National Master Abby Marshall will the chess instructor who will teach the class. She is our most popular instructor and will share her wealth of knowledge on chess improvement.

Sign up here:  

“My son has been a student of both Alanna and Ben for over five years. Not only have they turned him from an absolute beginner into one of the best 11 year old players in the country; but most importantly they have instilled in him a love for the game and an understanding of what it takes to succeed at chess – qualities that will serve him for the rest of his life.”

-Kris Wood, New York City